After looking at this app and reading the lovely message behind it I couldnt not purchase it. And then (after playing it for only a few minutes) I couldnt not write a review! This is the type of game I would be happy to support and I hope others feel the same way after playing it. The controls/movement were far more fluid than similar games which is always a good thing.
Even if building isnt normally what you enjoy I cant imagine anyone not opening this app just for the peaceful scenery it offers and being content.
My immediate thought was how much potential this has, Ive been playing sandbox style games for a while and had been searching for something that could fill the void others have left....I have only one wish for this game, which I understand may not be in the developers plans...please consider making this a multiplayer game with chat? Just for friends to visit and build together.
Other than that I look forward to any new content added in the future.
Thank you for creating this beautiful world for us to enjoy!
LSK about Fairystone